Pomodoro Technique.
The juiciest technology for increasing productivity
Now it’s a tomatoes rise. Your productivity will never be the same. Now it’s not you who squeeze out all the juice from a tomato — it squeezes you
Everyone knows that Archimedes used to run naked in Syracuse shouting "Eureka!" And apples fell on Newton’s head. The Pomodoro technique, like any real great discovery, also has its own beautiful story
Italy in the 80s. Francesco Cirillo, like any other student, always finds something to be distracted while preparing for exams. Pizza, pasta, girls wearing neon blouses with shoulder pads, the new hit Celentano, etc. But one day he comes across a kitchen timer in the form of a tomato. And he understands that productivity will never be the same.
It works like this:
- Choose a task you’d like to get done. It can be absolutely any task — one hour-long task or one year-long, a task that you can never find time for, one that takes all your time, in all, any task.
- Set the Pomodoro for 25 minutes. Like a soldier you will have a real 25-minute battle with all external distractions. Make up your mind not to be distracted by coffee / calls / messages / brilliant thoughts about anything but the current task, which will begin to come to your mind right away.
- Work on the task until the Pomodoro rings.
- When the Pomodoro rings, put a checkmark on a paper that you’ve spent one "tomato" for this task. In SingularityApp it’s done automatically.
- Take a 5-minute break. Limber up/ have a cup of coffee, do some breathing or eye exercises, relax. Make such a gift to your brain and it will thank you later.
- Every 4 "tomatoes", take a longer break. It’s perfect to have 20−30 minutes for a break. It can be a set of table tennis, short walk, lunch or a nap. Gain strength before the new race.
Why is Pomodoro Technique so good?
- It is flexible. You can adapt it for yourself. If it is inconvenient to work for 25 minutes each time — work for 10, 40 minutes, as much as you like.
- It is objective. You come to understanding how much time is really required to perform a particular task. It turns out that the task you used to do for an hour and half, in fact, can be done for one "tomato".
- It is exciting. Count the tomatoes you spent on your tasks and try to top your best result.
- It is efficient. Your productivity increases by several times.
- It trains you. You gain skills to fit within the specified time frame when performing tasks.
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