Spring Novelties in SingularityApp: Color Tags

Now it’s even easier to find the task by color

Tags are great for those who don’t like complicated planning: make a list of tasks, add necessary tags to each item, and you are done. Sort five-minute tasks in one click, as well as open tasks with a specific action (call, text, buy). But now there’s something new waiting for users in tagging :)
In the new release, we modified the context menu for tags on the desktop: now it is easier to add a hotkey to a specific tag, quickly open tasks with this tag, add it to the Favorites section or delete it. But most importantly, each tag can now have its own color!
What the modified context tag menu looks like in the desktop version of SingularityApp
To set a color to the tag in the mobile app, go to the tag list and select the tag with a long tap. The Edit and Delete icons appear to the right of the tag name. Tap the Edit icon to open the tag’s editing panel, where you can change the tag’s name and choose a color.
You don’t have to color all the tags at all — it’s so easy to get confused in this bright mess of accents. It’s better to choose a few main colors to visually highlight the main tasks on the list. For example, making "buy" tag bright, you can hardly forget to do some shopping: such tasks will grab your attention.
For important meetings, calls and other work-related items, scheduled at a specific time, you can set your own bright tag — so you always remember them when you look at your task list.
And if your to-do list is long, and all the tasks are important and demand to be heeded, it would be nice to visually highlight the pleasures included in that list, too. Their mere presence lifts the spirits :) You can also monitor how even the periods of work and rest are during the day.
Do you make one list for work and personal tasks? Highlighting the latter, you won’t do them on leftover principle. Besides, you can add a color tag to those errands that has been assigned to you, that are related to other people (loved ones, coworkers, clients) and important to be completed. The bright tag bar will draw your attention to these items on the list first.
Color tags give you even more opportunities to customize your to-do list to your needs and lifestyle. It’s up to you, which tags should be colored — which should not, how many tags should be there on your list, and what occasions they should be created for.

See you in new releases!
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