
Task repeat intervals

Once a day or once every few days #

  1. Select a task repetition interval. By default the interval is “once a day”, but you can enter any value: once every 2 days, once every 10 days, once every 50 days.
  2. To prevent a new task creating until you complete the previous one, put a check mark in the box “Create a new task only at the end of the previous one”. There is the same checkbox in each tab: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Annually.
  3. If needed, set the task execution time and configure notification: click on   Notifications and select 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day.
  4. Set a date to start the recurring task. By default it is the current date.
  5. Set a date to end the recurring task. By default there is “Never” .
  6. Check against Summary which is in the lower left corner of the menu.
  7. Click on Ок.

Once a week or several times a week #

  1. Choose one or several days of a week when the task is to be created.
  2. If needed, set the task execution time and configure notification: click on   Notifications and select 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day.
  3. Check against Summary in the lower left corner of the menu.
  4. Click on Ок.

Once a month or several times a month #

  1. If you want a task to be created on a specific day of each month, click on   and set the date.
  2. To create a task every first, second, third, fourth or last day of the week, select the day of the week and set its ordinal number.
  3. To add another condition, сlick on  
  4. If needed, set the task execution time and configure notification: click on   Notifications and select 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day.
  5. Check against Summary in the lower left corner of the menu.
  6. Click on Ок.

Once a year or several times a year #

  1. If you want a task to be created on a specific date of each year, click on   and set the day and month.
  2. To create a task every second Thursday in June, set the day, day of the week and month.
  3. To add another condition, сlick on  
  4. If needed, set the task execution time and configure notification: click on   Notifications and select 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day.
  5. Check against Summary in the lower left corner of the menu.
  6. Click on Ок.

After completing #

In the previous four modes, the intervals are calculated from the task creation dates, that is, tasks are created once during a definite period of time. In the “After completing” mode, the interval starts from the task completion date. That is, until you complete the task, a new one will not appear.

  1. Enter an interval (For example, 3 days).
  2. If needed, set the task execution time and configure notification: click on   Notifications and select 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day.
  3. Set the first task date.
  4. Check against Summary in the lower left corner of the menu.
  5. Click on Ок.