
Calendar PRO

View modes #

The calendar has 4 tabs with time scale: Day, Week, Month and Several days.


On the Day tab, the left column shows time intervals in 1-hour increments, starting at midnight — 12:00 a.m. Its uppermost block, «All day», is designed for tasks with no specific time. The tasks scheduled for a certain time are displayed next to it.

The bright blue bar is the real time bar: all previous tasks are considered past, while the tasks go after the bar are current or future.

Use the arrows in the upper right corner to rapidly go to the next day for planning it.


On the Week tab, the horizontal line in the header shows the days of the week, starting with Monday. The leftmost column shows the time intervals, just like the Day tab. The columns for weekends are colored differently.

Tasks with no specific time are shown at the top of «All day» block for each day of the week separately. The real time bar is shown only in the current day column. You can switch between weeks with the arrows in the upper right corner.


There is a calendar grid on the Month tab, where tasks are placed in cells for a specific date. The all-day tasks are on a colored bar, the tasks for a specific time have a colored dot next to their names.

If there are more tasks than can be placed in a cell, a link of the form «+ N more» is displayed. Clicking the link opens a complete list of tasks for the date.

The full name of the task is displayed in a pop-up window when hovering over the task.

You can switch between months with the arrows in the upper right corner.

Several days

By default, you can view the next four days on this tab. You can set your own date interval for viewing tasks: from two to ten days. To do this, do the following:

  1. Click on the Calendar icon on the right.
  2. Select a starting date.
  3. Click-and-drag the range as needed.

To quickly return to the current day, click on «Today» in the upper right corner.

Task output #

  • Completed tasks are displayed on a semi-transparent bar, with a check mark symbol.
  • Archived tasks are displayed in the calendar with a check mark symbol, the bar is more transparent then the one for completed tasks.
  • Overdue tasks are displayed on the scheduled date.
  • Project tasks are displayed on a bar in the project color.
  • Recurring tasks are displayed with the Repeat icon next to them.

Tag Tasks

You can set output of tasks with a specific tag on the calendar page.

  1. Go to the necessary calendar tab: day, week, or month.
  2. Click the Tag icon in the upper toolbar to open the tag pane.
  3. Select a tag. Only tasks with this tag will be displayed in the tab.
  4. Click the selected tag again to return to the full list of tasks in the tab.

Project tasks

When you select a particular project in focus mode, only its tasks are shown in the calendar.

Output events from external calendars #

The calendar shows events from any web calendars and Google Calendar connected in view mode:

  • events with no specific time are displayed in the «All day» block with a border in the color of the calendar;
  • future events are displayed on a semi-transparent bar;
  • past events are displayed on a bar in the color of the calendar with a semi-transparent task text.

In two-way synchronization, events from Google Calendar look like regular tasks with date and time (they are in gray or in the color of the project, which they fall into when synchronizing).

Any events from external calendars have an icon on the left: Google, Yandex and Outlook have their own icons, while others have a Globe icon.

Events from web calendars in view mode are displayed for the past two weeks. Read more about integration with web-calendars.

Events from the Google Calendar in two-way synchronization are displayed starting from the previous day. Learn more about two-way sync with Google Calendar.

Task сreating #

To create a task on the Calendar tab:

  1. Click in any area,
  2. Press the Space bar,
  3. Press ⌘ Cmd / Ctrl + N key combination.

The task creation pop-up window will appear. It allows to:

  1. Set a project, date, time, priority;
  2. Set up a repeat; add tags, a deadline and a checklist;
  3. Pin or move a task.

When you click on a specific time on the Day tab, the created task is automatically scheduled for that time.

Task editing #

  1. Tasks can be moved from one cell to another within one tab.
  2. Click on the task bar to open the window for task editing. There you can change its parameters.
  3. You can change the duration of a task by dragging its lower edge on the Day and Week tabs, or by dragging its right edge on the Month tab.

    If you want to change the start time without changing the duration, you should drag the task to the desired time or edit the time of the task in the window.

  4. A time-consuming task can be moved to another cell without changing its duration.
  5. You can delete a task in the Calendar mode through the context menu.

    To do this, right-click on the task bar and select Delete task in the context menu.

  6. The basic operations with tasks are available in the context menu of a task.
  7. Through the context menu of a task, you can do the following:
    • Set a date and time.
    • Set a task to repeat.
    • Set priority.
    • Complete task.
    • Add a task to Favorites.
    • Move a task to another project.
    • Go to task in a project.
    • Copy task.
    • Copy a link to a task.
    • Copy a WEB link to a task.

Rescheduling tasks #

You can move tasks between calendar tabs or between windows of the application.

Inside the tabs

In order to quickly change time or date of a particular task, click and drag it between the cells in the Day or Week tabs.

Between the windows

When working in two windows, you can quickly move tasks to the Calendar from projects and Inbox, Today, Unplaced, Someday, Archive, or Trash folders.

You can also move tasks within the calendar by opening different dates in two windows.

If you move a task from a project to the calendar, the color of the calendar and specific time will be automatically assigned to this task in the project window.

Calendar in the mobile app #

The Calendar tab is available on the menu of the mobile app.

In the mobile version of the calendar, there are four modes of displaying plans: Today, 3 days, Week, Month.

In the mobile version of the calendar, you can:

  • Go to any past or future date you want:
    1. Tap on the proper month
    2. Select the necessary date in the window that appears

    3. Go to the list by the selected date. In this list, you can view and edit tasks, add new ones.

  • Reschedule tasks by dates — past and future ones;
  • Reschedule tasks from the All day section to a specific time and back again;
  • View the list of tasks for the selected day in the Month mode. To do this, tap on the necessary day.

  • View the events of the connected online calendars.