
Import from TickTick

Configure Import #

First, create a backup of your TickTick database, in order to do this:

  1. Open the browser version of TickTick.

  2. Open Application Settings.

  3. In Settings select Backup & Import → Create a backup. The backup file in csv format will be saved to the default folder for saving files.

Now you can import the TickTick database into SingularityApp. To do this:

  1. In the SingularityApp system menu choose: File → Import → Import from TickTick.

  2. The system will prompt you to select the backup file created in TickTick. Select it from the folder where it is saved.

  3. And it’s ready! All your tasks from TickTick have been imported to SingularityApp and grouped by the required dates.

Limitations #

Not all data is imported from TickTick. Some data is not imported at all, because some of TickTick’s functions differ from the ones in SingularityApp. Some data is imported in a different form. Therefore, we have made a list of limitations that you may see when importing.

Pay special attention to one important limitation in TickTick: a database can be backed up no more than 5 times in 24 hours.

  • Project Limitations

    • When you import projects and tasks into SingularityApp, a special project is created for them, the name of which is the path to the import file. For your projects from TickTick, this project will be the parent.
    • If you have several projects with the same names in TickTick, when imported into SingularityApp they will be combined, and the tasks of the projects will be included in one common project.
    • In TickTick, projects do not differ in color, but in SingularityApp you can assign them the desired color.
  • Task Limitations

    • Tasks from the list of deleted and archived are not imported.
    • Notes from TickTick in SingularityApp will become tasks.
    • If the task was pinned in TickTick, then in SingularityApp it is imported as a normal task. It can be pinned again.
  • Tag limitations

    • If you have multi-colored tags in TickTick, in SingularityApp they will appear in the standard color.
    • Only tags that have been assigned to tasks are imported.